Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability
in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs

Ruđer Bošković Institute Digital Innovation Hub

Ruđer Bošković Institute Digital Innovation Hub


We highlight the key challenges and provide SMEs with comprehensive technology support for the new Dew Computing paradigm. By joining DIH4CPS, RBI DIH gets a cross-border collaborative sphere for the exchange of logistics (infrastructure, expertise, services, tools). It enables the exchange of technology and opens the possibility of joint activities and complementarity. The establishment of thematic and technological communication creates symbiosis and opens new conceptual and realization possibilities. The common goal is to build support for faster development of IoT / CPS as a basis for strengthening Industry 4.0 but also as a preparation for industry 5.0 based on AI and cooperative systems with IoT-Dew-Fog-Cloud distributed services.

In 2018 RBI got the label “I4MS-SAE”, with which the programmes of I4MS (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) and SAE reward successful application experiments. RBI DIH expertise includes: Sensor networks, distributed services, HPC, eScience tools. We support EuroCC (National Competence Centres in EuroHPC framework) tasks force expertise, high-performance computing applications, development and administration of HPC systems and implementation of AI in connection with CPS.


EOSC Hub, EBSI,  SesamNet, EuroCC


The RBI HUB integrates both user-centric CPS,  AI, HPC, service research and development, and open innovation, with a multidisciplinary team simultaneously involved in the following four main activities:

  • Co-creation: Bring together technology push and application pull into a diversity of views, constraints and knowledge/technology exchange that support the development of new scenarios, concepts and associated artefacts in the design of innovative products and services.
  • Exploration: Involve all stakeholders, especially user communities, at an earlier stage of the co-creation process to discover new scenarios, uses and behaviors through live scenarios in real or virtual environments (e.g. virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality).
  • Experiment: Implement the right level of technological artefacts to experience live scenarios with a large number of users and collect data that will be analysed in context during the evaluation activity.
  • Evaluation: Evaluate new ideas and innovative concepts and related technological artefacts in real-life situations along various dimensions such as socio-ergonomic, socio-cognitive, and socio-economic; make observations about the potential for viral adoption of new concepts and related technological artefacts through a confrontation with users’ value models.

Access to the innovation infrastructure

  • Real and remote collaboration environment and networking
  • Consulting, platforms and tools for project management
  • Training and consulting on problem solving technologies
  • Advice on funding models and procedures
  • Know-how and IPR Training and consulting
  • Advice on security and ethical issues
  • Support and assistance with: Experiment milestones, Deliverables, and KPIs.
  • Ability to provide Balkan regional support as a regional DIH4CPS network node: participation in strategic working groups and organization of round tables on Smart Specialization and other national plans and programs for EU Police.


  • National Academic partners 4 Universities, 12 faculties
  • EU Institutional 154 consortium contracted  partners
  • Industrial partners 8
  • SME partners 11




fully operational

Technology / area of expertise

IoT, CPS, Dew-Fog-Cloud services, HPC and Data Science

Main contact point to marketing / communication

Karolj Skala