Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability
in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs


Work Package 5

This work package will create, launch and manage two waves of open calls to enlarge the portfolio of application experiments in DIH4CPS in digitally underrepresented sectors and regions, complementing the already existing outcomes of the consortium. The open calls will furthermore expand the DIH4CPS network and general availability and capacity of DIHs in Europe by providing funding to enrol a further 25 DIHs in the project network.

D48-D5.1 Open Call Guidelines

This deliverable presents the overall approach for the first open call of DIH4CPS, indicating objectives, scope and timeline. It details eligibility and evaluation criteria and the associated procedures to submit and select proposals.

Work Package 6

WP6 aims to disseminate the work conducted in DIH4CPS across Europe. The experiment results will be shared to show how SME’s and other organisations could profit and benefit from replicating or following the demonstrations in their own countries or regions. Best practice will be also be shared and signposted across the network to increase the knowledge of all European partners. This way this would be executed is by creating workshops, attending conferences and showcasing the popular experiments at prominent events. The other area of focus will be to attract new partners to work with DIH4CPS the enhance, share and grow the knowledge that will be developed in the network.

D49-D6.1 Online presence

This deliverable contains the design, implementation and maintenance of the DIH4CPS web portal and the social media channels. These channels will be used to publish public information and documents in order to create a network and awareness around the project.

D51-D6.2 Dissemination Strategy and Promotional Material

This deliverable details the project’s dissemination strategy including the objectives, targets and promotional material as well as the assessment of the impact.

D58-D6.10-D6.6a Collaboration with other Smart Everywhere projects and Digital Innovation Hubs

This deliverable addresses the liaison and co-operation activities with other projects that will contribute to the Smart Anything Everywhere and Digital Innovation Hubs initiatives. It is made the description of the plan, and the collaborations that are already created.

Other Activities

IoT eDIH Network activities White Paper